Energy Solutions: A Podcast From EPSA

Shaking the Snow Globe: ACEG’s Christina Hayes on Transmission and Energy Priorities

Electric Power Supply Association Season 1 Episode 44

Joining us for this episode is Christina Hayes, executive director of Americans for a Clean Energy Grid (ACEG), a nonprofit coalition of labor and environmental groups, clean energy buyers, renewable developers, transmission developers, and utilities. ACEG focuses on deploying high capacity transmission, which it says is the most cost effective and reliable way of decarbonizing the grid.  

Hayes shares just how early she started working in public policy (the answer will surprise you), some of the top focus areas for ACEG, how she sees the energy “trilemma” working out — and just why transmission permitting is ACEG’s #1 priority.  

Plus, don’t miss her joint op ed written with EPSA President and CEO Todd Snitchler on energy policy needs that transcend partisan divides.

Our 4th annual Competitive Power Summit registration is NOW OPEN. Register here to join us on April 2, 2025 for a day of expert panels and networking geared towards facing the challenges and opportunities posed by a changing energy grid.

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