Energy Solutions: A Podcast From EPSA

Energy Rush: Steel in the Ground: The Competitive Advantage

Electric Power Supply Association Season 1 Episode 42

Meeting the rapid growth in electric demand posed by AI and data centers, manufacturing, electrification, and other factors requires a significant buildout of electric power resources on a tight timeline. Solving for decarbonization and reliability adds to the challenge – requiring not just existing generation resources, but new technologies and innovative approaches. For competitive power suppliers, the challenge is also an opportunity. Independent power producers are at the forefront of both providing existing dispatchable generation and connecting critical new resources to the grid – including battery storage, carbon capture and storage, hydrogen, more efficient gas generation, and more. We hear from Competitive Power Ventures, Invenergy, and Vistra Corp. on the solutions they’re currently providing and what they’re eyeing for the future.  

This is the third episode in a four-part series from Energy Solutions, exploring the challenge and opportunity presented by rising power demand, policy and market design considerations, and ways to meet the moment. 

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